Every Record Store is a guide to vinyl record shops throughout New York City. This project began from a desire to document and share experiences finding music in the physical world, creating a resource for vinyl enthusiasts across the city.

As streaming dominates how we consume music, physical record stores remain important cultural spaces where music is celebrated, discovered, and discussed. Each store has its own character and community - this site aims to document these unique spaces.


Ratings are represented by colored vinyl records on the map:

NEEDS SOME WORK - Issues with selection, condition, disorganization, or service.
OK - Standard record store, decent selection, worth visiting if in the area.
GREAT - Exceptional selection, fair pricing, knowledgeable staff.
BEST IN BOROUGH - The crown jewel, reserved for the single best store in each borough.
UNREVIEWED - Stores we haven't personally visited and reviewed yet.

Ratings consider selection breadth and depth, record condition, pricing fairness, staff knowledge, store organization, special offerings, and overall atmosphere.


I'm a music enthusiast and vinyl collector living in New York City. My collection spans from jazz to indie rock, with a particular interest in soul and funk records from the 1970s. Physical media offers a connection to music that digital formats can't replicate.

This project combines my passion for music, writing, and exploring NYC. Every store is personally visited, and all reviews represent my honest, uncompensated opinions.

Have suggestions or spotted a record store I've missed? Contact me at [email protected]